Saturday, August 7, 2010

Through Being Cool

Gyrate at young bodies twice a day. Doctor's orders.
                 "Dude, c'mon."            
"Chill Bro!, Im just texting Blake to remind him to forget his shirt."
 Photo Gloves, Check!
Dual pervy zoom lenses, you bet!
Ointment Holster, strapped in!
Boner concealing jeans, on!
HB Hilton, past curfew.


  1. I'll comment, but your not gonna like it.
    The last sentence should be "HB Hilton, past curfew." not "HB Hilton, passed curfew."
    Your comments always make me laugh!

  2. Thanks for the correction. I just saw a Curb Your Enthusiasm where they used 'past' on Larry's mothers grave because it was cheaper and fewer letters than 'passed'. I should know better.
