In 1542 Juan Cabrillo sailed his Spanish galleon to Santa Catalina Island where he was met by a crowed of armed natives. In 2010 we sail the Jet Cat to Avalon where we met the Templetons armed with a 6 person boat and good times.
Deanna gave the boat some juice...
While Ed kept her pointed straight.

Kevin and I had our backs to the mainland as we documented these precious moments in film form.
Ashley was looking sweet in her flowy...ethnic beach tunic?
First stop a mandatory Frog Rock jump. The beach was crowded with some Kayaking kooks not even taking advantage of the epic jumping opportunity.
We quickly scaled the rock and spooked the 'Yakers away with our radness!
"Whats next bro's?"
"Snorkeling, duhhh!" Tree and Kevin shouted.
Time to fill the snork hole.
Ed is always the first in the water and points out a Shovel Nosed Guitarfish 30 feet below.
Deanna and the girls ready their chill tubes, the inflatable lounge doughnuts dominating the female aquatic world.
Ashley had to be tied to the boat for safety reasons.
Kevin was lulled by the gentle bounce of the boat on the way back to Avalon.
We rounded the Casino on foot and soaked up the Art Deco magic.
The inside view of the Casino theater. 2 Million dollars was spent in 1929 to hook this place up with a Mediterranean / Art deco feel. Today people pay top dollar to glue their eyes to the screen to watch another impossible Nicolas Cage adventure.
Ed knew of a rail out front. He warmed up frontside with a hat-less hip slide "through the curve bitch!"
Deanna asked a bro walking by to shoot our group photo. He replied with "No!" and started to walk away. We were psyched on this random act of assholery. Turns out he was a wiseguy and turned around a shot this lovey group photo.
Skeeballed for tickets.
Ashley made some new furry friends, she left the dog visually excited.
After seeing a Bald Eagle in the flesh earlier today I felt inspired by the grace of our National Icon and gave my best human tribute.
Near perfect conditions on the Island. The water was 5 or 6 degrees warmer than Huntington Beach's.
We were late boarding the boat on the way back and had to sit in outside seating area.
Ashley was less than psyched, she made the most of it and worked on her new "Refuge" fashion look.
Back to the familiar landmarks of Long Beach Harbor. See you next week Catalina, maybe.
Thank you Ed and Deanna for such an enjoyable Island experience!
New photos coming in hot next week!
omg your captions are killing me!