Lots of team work on display at Seeing Things gallery as the Deadbeat Club conquer the walls. All the grown ups are busy...
...while the kids play
Only two fingers please
Its a duel! Ketchup vs Mustard
Frida sneezes
Probably one of the funniest things dogs do
Well hung
What all the bums saw when they walked by
The dream team
Devin, Nolan and Me
The day of the show
Nolan reflecting on Hamberger Eyes before show time
Meter maid shanks a coin slot
Crumpet is everything right now
We got the red carpet treatment at our show
My date was impressed
The crowd filled in quick and our photos were crooked in no time
San Jose became a destination that night

"Are you still open?"
She was ignored like a text
Jai and Blanche, the coolest part of San Jose
Deadbeat extremes
The conductor keeps his life on track
Found on the way to Hippie Hill, Golden Gate Park on 4/20
I forgot to shoot any cell photos there during the 4/20 fest, contact high?
The End
I loved part 1,2 and 3!!! and I'm so glad your back to posting!! I checked everyday while you were in Europe..