Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cougars at the Watering Hole

A play by play encounter of the stuff TV shows are made of. 
 Daniel Lutheran's alter ego 'Ol' Snakeeyes' comes out in Phoenix.
An innocent game of splashy splashy before this shit gets NC-17.
Cody Green gives this one all hes got.
Note the ladies seated in the top right, plotting their attack.
 Our first visitor brings a shiny novelty sized flask in hopes of luring the young.
Someone takes the bait.
Daniel buys the ticket and takes the ride as impressionable minds look on.
"Do you feel anything?"
"How about now?"
Yea, there was family and kids everywhere.
Ive always heard that cougars hunt in pairs. Let this serve as photographic evidence.
Breaking the ice.
"Check out my kids, they skate too!"
Then the attention shifts across the hot tub to the prepubescent section.
...And they laugh in the face of danger.
Just like in the wild, they spot the youngest and most vulnerable to make their prey.
It was like watching the gazelles cross the river when you know the crocidile is going to get them.
Curren tries his best to blast away the predators from his bro.
Desperately searching for a way out.
It was curtains for young Patrick...
...And it was just another Saturday for these freaks.